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Search, compare, book and pay for rental venues in Princeton on the iVvy marketplace. We have thousands of venues to cover any event, from a small seminar up to a multi-day conference and exhibition. Searches on the iVvy website will show you live availability of venue space and pricing, and even allow you to make a live booking.

Most function spaces will have a range of spaces you can choose from small meeting rooms, up to large conference spaces. Each will have options for Audio Visual and have a large selection of menus and beverage packages that you can choose from.

Whether you need a venue in Princeton, Plainsboro, Lawrenceville, Cranbury, Ewing or North Brunswick, they will have options for hourly, half-day and full day pricing, and making a booking is easy - you can add your sessions, choose your menus and even select your accommodation rooms. Depending on the complexity of your event, you will have the option of making a live booking and paying now or later, or you can send an inquiry to discuss your needs with a coordinator at the property. You can also find

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