Venue Management
Software for Function Centres

Innovative Venue Software for Modern Function Centres


Keep track of client preferences, history, and feedback to provide personalised and exceptional service for every event.

Event Schedule Builder

Prepare a detailed agenda for venue bookings, including resources, times, multiple sessions, catering, and setup requirements.

Function Diary

Avoid overbooking venue space and inventory with a centralised function diary, showing all tentative, confirmed, and booked events.

Live Availability & Instant Booking

Make it easy for event planners to view venue availability and send booking requests. You receive instant notification via your CRM system.

Reporting & Analytics

Track key performance indicators, event success, and identify areas for improvement to continually improve service offerings.


Keep your venue running smoothly with virtual BEOs that inform team members of event changes or updates in real-time.

Custom Quotes & Contracts

Use customised quote and contract templates to save time and quickly fill event spaces, Get venue contracts returned faster with digital signatures.

Centralised Resource Management

Avoid double bookings and keep your inventory on track by viewing all venue space and resources from a central location.

“iVvy provides us with more detailed business insights across the Red Rock Venues & Events group – from the performance of a single venue to the projected pipeline across our business. The reports dashboard provides real-time visibility of the key metrics for our business, with daily, weekly and year-on-year views.”

Geoff Branson, Group Sales & Business Development Manager Red Rock Venues & Events

Put the Fun Back into Functions with iVvy Software

Schedule a free demo with us to see how iVvy software can help your function center increase event bookings, save hours of administration, and deliver exceptional experiences.